Starting a PyDrag calculation

It is possible to start a PyDrag calculation through two ways (using Tihange input as an exemple here) :

  • using the “pydrag” launching script by calling it with the name of chosen input (located in /data/ folder). It is possible to start the calculation on slurm by using the “-s” argument (which will start the calculation in the local ./tmp/ folder) :

./pydrag -s

This command allows to store every PyGan-related informations into a txt file. However, it may be needed to manually delete the /tmp/ folder, as the slurm execution script can not delete the folder where it has been created.


It may be necessary to change the partition name (’–partition=’ in pydrag sript), depending of your environnement.

  • directly starting the chosen input with :

cd ./data/
python -i

The “-i” argument allows the user to keep the console open in order to interact with every objects such as results, LCM objets and classes.